Powerball Chooser

Languages: Python

Written by Hannylicious on 2019-01-28

Chat and I decided it would be a fun idea to try and pick 'winning powerball numbers'. Please note this is purely for fun and is in no way meant to be taken as a serious recommendation on gambling.

It's pretty simple really, take a look at all the numbers that show up a high percentage of the time, then pick a combination of them that has not won before.

The most challenging part of this project has been finding consistent sites that have all the historic data so we can make fun predictions on winning numbers.

This is another 'work in progress' due to the constantly changing websites that host historic lottery data. They are often fluctuating which makes it hard to rely on them.

You can find it here: https://github.com/hannylicious/powerball-chooser

Additionally, if you know of anyone who has a gambling addition or needs help with gambling problems, there is help available: https://www.ncpgambling.org/help-treatment/national-helpline-1-800-522-4700/